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Are adjustable beds good for acid reflux?

Regular bouts of acid reflux, also known as gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), may be common but doesn’t make the condition any less unpleasant. Acid reflux is caused by stomach acid coming back up the oesophagus and into the mouth and is often associated with heartburn a burning chest pain that occurs after eating.

So, how can you prevent acid reflux? Discover how to reduce your discomfort with our useful advice, including what makes an adjustable bed good for acid reflux.

An adjustable bed in an elevated position

How to prevent acid reflux

Of course, it’s one thing knowing what’s causing your acid reflux and heartburn and another actually tackling these issues. Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take that might help you to control the symptoms.

Adjust your bed to help with acid reflux

Acid reflux and heartburn can be especially problematic at night. A simple change to your sleeping position could address the problems, without altering your overall lifestyle.

Raising the head of your bed by around 20 centimetres can improve your acid reflux symptoms—replacing a restless night’s sleep with a restful one.

While sleeping in an elevated position has its benefits, healthcare professionals discourage the use of pillows to prop you up. This is because pillows can increase the pressure on your abdomen, which can actually make GORD worse.

This may leave you wondering whether adjustable beds are good for acid reflux — and the answer is yes! Unlike pillows, Electric Adjustable Beds are specifically designed to improve your sleeping posture at the mere click of a button.

The adjustable bed feature helps you find an elevated sleeping position for comfort throughout the night — alleviating acid reflux symptoms in the process. Explore our range of adjustable beds and buy the perfect bed to help your acid reflux.

Try self-care techniques

As well as the way you sleep, there may be other self-care techniques that can help your acid reflux.

For example, if you’re overweight, getting into shape could reduce your acid reflux symptoms. Reducing your weight will lessen the pressure on your stomach, making it less likely that acid will leak out to minimise the occurrence of acid reflux.

Smaller, more frequent meals can also reduce the risk of acid reflux. Aim to eat your evening meal three to four hours before you go to bed to give the food time to settle. Bear in mind that alcohol, coffee, chocolate, and fatty or spicy foods can trigger the symptoms of GORD.  As such, removing these products, or at least cutting back on them, can benefit those who suffer from regular acid reflux.

Meanwhile, if you smoke, now could be the time to quit. Smoking is known to irritate the digestive system and can make GORD worse.

A woman sleeping peacefully on an adjustable bed.

Consider medication or surgery

If you find that despite following advice like  the ones listed above, you can’t control your acid reflux, your doctor might recommend that you take medication.

Possible treatments include antacids (which neutralise the effects of stomach acid) and drugs that are designed to reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach. In cases where medication fails, surgery may be recommended.

The important thing is that you don’t simply put up with GORD. By seeking medical advice and making simple changes to your routine and lifestyle, you should succeed in getting the symptoms under control.

Doctors usually recommend a step-by-step approach to treating acid reflux (GORD) and may suggest an adjustable bed to alleviate acid reflux symptoms that occur during the night.

Reduce your acid reflux with an adjustable bed

Buying an adjustable bed can be a simple and effective lifestyle change to overcome acid reflux. If you think one of our adjustable beds could help you control your symptoms, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly and professional team to find out more. 

Simply give us a call on 0800 689 9823 (9am-5pm, Mon-Fri), or drop us a message. We can organise a home visit for you to trial any bed, as well as give you professional and reliable advice.

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