How to freshen up a mattress
The best way to clean a mattress is with regular light cleaning to keep it fresh and a bigger deep clean once a year. Unsure how to do it? Here’s a breakdown of how you can keep your mattress looking and smelling like it’s new.
How to freshen up your mattress
Keeping your mattress in good condition is good for your sleep too. If your mattress doesn’t need a deep clean, then learning how you can go about freshening a mattress can help you maintain it and ensure it’s in top condition for a restful and deeper night’s sleep. Here’s how:
Using a vacuum to freshen your mattress
Around every 6 to 12 months, your mattress needs a good clean. Vacuuming the top, bottom and sides of your mattress will help remove dust, allergens, dead skin cells and dust mites.
Revitalise your mattress with a touch of baking soda
Using baking soda to absorb odours can help revive your mattress so it is as clean as the day you bought it. Sprinkle the baking soda onto the surface of your mattress, leave it for around 10 minutes and then vacuum it up.
Remember to rotate your mattress
Rotating your mattress is another important part of keeping your mattress in good shape. While some mattresses can be flipped, mattresses with layered support should be rotated instead. This is especially important when your mattress is brand new, and should be done every 3 to 6 months after that.
How to clean a mattress at home
Check the care guide before you start cleaning your mattress, especially if you’ve never cleaned it before or you are using a new cleaning method. Remember if you’re unsure how to clean your mattress then we’re on hand to help.

Removing stains from your mattress
It’s easy for a mattress to pick up stains over time, from spilled tea to uninvited muddy paws, but if your mattress is still supportive and comfortable then you may not want to throw it away. There are many different ways to tackle stains, but remember to test your cleaning method on an inconspicuous corner of your mattress first. Using a mattress protector is the best way to stop stains before they happen, but if they do occur here are the best products to clean a mattress for common stains:
Cleaning a mattress with white vinegar
Vinegar is an acetic acid, and is good at removing a variety of stains. Apply white vinegar directly to the stain and allow it to sit for up to 30 minutes to dissolve the stain before wiping it away. To remove the vinegar smell afterwards, sprinkle baking soda on your mattress, leaving it for 5 minutes and then hoover it off. This method works well for:
- Tea and coffee stains
- Sweat stains
- Urine stains
Cleaning a mattress with hydrogen peroxide sprays
Hydrogen peroxide sprays are widely available, and are useful for cleaning when you need to disinfect as well as remove stains. Take care to wear gloves when using this cleaner, as it can cause burning and skin redness. Before you use it on your mattress, test a small corner first, as it can bleach and damage fibres.
To use, dry any liquid on the mattress with a towel. Next, spray the cleaner on the stain and leave it for around 5 minutes. Dry the cleaner off the mattress using a dry towel or absorbent cloth. Hydrogen peroxide is good at cleaning:
- Blood stains
- Drink stains, like tea, coffee, wine and juice
- Sweat stains
- Urine stains
Cleaning a mattress with washing up liquid
Washing up liquid is very effective at removing oily stains. Use it mixed with warm water and apply it to the stain. Leave it for 5 minutes, and then rinse it using a clean wet cloth. Once all the bubbles are gone, dry the area with a towel and then leave to fully air dry. Washing up liquid is a suitable cleaner for:
- Oil stains
- Food stains
Cleaning a mattress with baking soda
Baking soda is an excellent tool to have in your cleaning arsenal. It is effective at removing odours, and can be used alone or as a final step after you have used other cleaning methods that might leave a smell (such as vinegar).
To use alone for an odour, sprinkle it on, leave it for 10 or so minutes and then vacuum it off. You can also use baking soda alongside hydrogen peroxide (for particularly tough stains). To do this, follow the hydrogen peroxide steps and then sprinkle baking soda on the stain. Leave it for around 5 hours, and then hoover. Baking soda is useful for:
- Sweat stains
- Juice stains
- Urine stains
Mattress cleaning FAQs
Here are answers to common questions our customers who are considering how to deep clean a mattress or just freshen it up have:
How do you deodorise a mattress?
Freshening up a mattress means removing any unwanted smells, as well as stains. Deodorising sprays can work well, and if musty smells are caused by mildew, then hydrogen peroxide can help remove the mould as well as the smell. Baking soda is the go-to cleaner for removing unwanted smells from your mattress, simply sprinkle on, leave for a few minutes and then hoover up.
Can you steam clean a mattress?
Steam cleaning is an effective, odour-free way to kill dust mites and bacteria in your mattress while also removing stains. However, if you have a memory foam or hybrid mattress with memory foam layers then you should use a steam cleaner with caution, as the moisture can damage the memory foam.
Can you use bleach on a mattress?
If you’ve tried everything else, you can resort to dilute bleach. It can damage fabric and foam, and leave behind a bleach smell, so use sparingly. For safety, wear gloves and open a window while using bleach. Use a 1:10 bleach to water mix, and apply to the stain. Blot off excess liquid with a wet cloth, and then remove the bleach by spraying the area with water and drying with a clean dry cloth.
How do you deep clean a mattress?
Need to know how to disinfect a mattress or give it a deep clean? First, strip off the and wash the bedding. The covers can usually go in a domestic washing machine, but your duvet will likely need to be taken to a laundrette where they have larger washing machines available. Pillows can also go in the washing machine. Double check the labels on your duvet and pillows before you wash them to ensure that they aren’t dry-clean only.
To deep clean your mattress itself, hoover all of the surfaces, including the sides and bottom. Ask for help if you can’t safely flip the mattress yourself to do this. Next, spot-clean smaller stains using an appropriate cleaner, such as washing up liquid, baking soda or a hydrogen peroxide spray. Once you’ve removed the stains, leave your mattress to dry for as long as possible.
Need further information? We’re here to help.
If you need advice on caring for your mattress our advisors are there to answer your questions. If your mattress is old or unsupportive, you may just need to buy a new mattress. Our adjustable bed mattress buying guide can help you find the right features and mattress for you to inform your purchase.
If you are ready to buy a mattress but need more information, please don’t hesitate to give us a call on 0800 689 9823 (9am-5pm Mon-Fri), or drop us a message. We can organise a home visit for you to trial any bed or mattress, as well as give you professional and reliable advice. Let’s help you get a good nights sleep!